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Friday, January 22, 2016


I've got my group!!!!  thanks for looking!  please check back in a few weeks for our first set of blind reviewers' thoughts!!!!!

OK Guys, we're going to start something fun.  I want to create a space for real, unbiased fragrance reviews.

I'm going to send out samples or small decants (2-3) every 3-4 weeks to people who volunteer.  You're not going to know what they are, they'll be labeled by number.  Your job is to send me your thoughts and I will post them on the review page for the unknown decant along with my reviews of the scent.  I'm looking for 10 people for now.  If this kicks off, I'll turn it into a minimal-cost service (just the price of the scent per ml, decant bottle and shipping) open to everyone.

You must be a member of a facebook forum, makeup alley, basenotes or fragrantica member or blogger to participate.   Please leave your email address in the comments (in a weird format of course) and let's get this party started! 


  1. I've been a lover of perfumes for years....and always love to be on the hunt for new and different. Being a member of Facebook Frag. Friends and Fragrantica I've been introduced to more scents than I ever would have thought possible. email me Thanks

  2. I'm in! Sounds like a blast - let's do this! - thanks!

  3. You'Re awesome Audrey!!!So much fun

    FFF Trona Griffith

  4. I would love to participate, I write reviews on FB fragrance blogs and a few Russian beauty blogs.

  5. I would love to participate, I write reviews on FB fragrance blogs and a few Russian beauty blogs.

  6. I am so in love with this idea I can't even stand it! Please sign me up, I can't wait! You're brilliant.
    I will message you my email address!
    -Erica Golding

  7. I'd love to!! PICK ME! PICK ME! :)

  8. You're all in!!!!! I need all your addresses so PM me through FFF with your mailing address, I"ll get some out next week! This is going to be great!

  9. I'd like to try. I'll PM you my email.
